Friday, August 26, 2011

If You See Summer, Tell Her I Wasn't Finished With Her Yet......

Our beautiful bride....our daughter was married in July. The wedding was wonderful! My niece made the gorgeous dress.

I baked the cake! It turned out rather well, which was another miracle, considering how rushed I was.

And two of my favorite musicians played at the reception.

The groom fits so nicely into our family. Definitely a God ordained union. As I like to say, God is in the details. From the friend of the kids who led the service, to the speeches at the end of the reception, the whole wedding reflected Christ.

And then came August and tons of summer fun, from tubing behind the new boat, to camping at Uncle Doug's cottage.

All in all the whole thing was a whirl wind of activity and now it is almost time to get the homeschooling into swing again. But I love fall, so that is okay by me.