Sunday, May 27, 2012

Busking Midst The Busyness

Summer has hit here early. We are done school for the season and it seemed like a good idea to go do something fun! Our boys have never experienced the summer fun that occupied our older children for several years (and lined their pockets with some hard cold cash) so we took them to a near by Dandelion Festival and let them try their hand at busking. They took to it like a duck takes to water! The first place they played was a small bakery called, Grahame's Bakery. From there we wandered downtown and they set up at Butler's Victorian Pantry on Main St. in Kemptville. They did haul in some money, but the experience was the thing that pleased them most. I think they will be trying this again.

That leads me to the busyness. Our oldest son and family moved this weekend to a lovely house in the country. Thankfully all that was required of me was some munchies so that was easy. This weekend coming, our daughter and husband move down from Ottawa. Weekend after that our son is getting married, and then the following weekend we will hopefully have a new grandbaby. Lots to get this summer going.

When I think about how God is watching over our evergrowing family, I marvel at how He numbers even the hairs on our heads. I have a hard time keeping everything straight. Good thing He knows and is meeting our needs even before they are on our tongues. He is the God who sees around corners and orchestrates everything so wonderfully well.

"The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.
The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever."

Psalm 121:5-8

We are doin' a lot of 'going out and coming in' lately. I am so thankful that God knows all about it and that I can trust Him to guide us. 

Here comes June!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day and Life

Spring, inside and out.

 I love fresh flowers in the house. Daffodils now, lilacs soon, daisies, buttercups, lilies, a path leading through the seasons. These were from a friend which makes them extra special.
The Muddy Nation River
 I thought this was a small creek running through a nearby field, my boys played in it, caught crayfish, chased turtles. Then someone told me it had a *grand* name....The Nation River! Wow. Can't always take things at face value. This river reminds me of a lot of people. First impressions may seem like there isn't much to be impressed by, but like rivers, they can surprise you!
My Spot in the Sun
 Morning devotions. I'm not always as faithful as I should be, but this is my favorite spot to read during the warm weather. A cup of Cafe Lib (I quit drinking coffee 16 months ago), my Bible, a good devotional book, and the morning sun! Great place to meet with God, undisturbed.
In my dream world, I always have time to hang the laundry instead of using the dryer.
I finally got outside with a load of laundry the other day. It doesn't happen as often as I'd like, but I'm trying. After I hung it, I noticed the reflection in a large mirror that my son was temporarily storing outside. Looked somewhat *Alice in Wonderlandish*. Yes, that would be in my dreams. the time to hang every load of laundry that I yank out of the oversized washer. (And the ambition).

Oh, what was that in the title? Mother's Day? I love it. In the past it was always Kentucky Fried Chicken at Mac Johnson Conservation Area. It looks a little different this year. Families are growing, lives are busy. Some of the kids are coming to do garden work tomorrow. Some are dropping in Sunday, but I feel the love from all of them. I am so blessed to be the mother of such great children, and children in law.